At SFACS & SFA Center, Reno is surrounded by love. We are forever grateful that he has a community where he belongs, where he has friends, and where he continues to learn new things and go on new adventures every day. We realize many of our friends and families have been supporting Reno for many years, but we are asking for you to continue supporting him if you can. In 16 years, SFACS and SFA Center have grown so much and we are now blessed to have formed many partnerships in the community that are making it possible for these important organizations to reach all their programming goals, providing services that Reno will need for the rest of his life. We wish to thank our family, our friends, and our friends who have become part of our family, for the love and support you have given Reno over the years ❤️ We hope you can support his Walk Team this year! 👟


Friends and Family!

We can’t tell you how much SFACS has changed our family’s life in a positive way. We are so grateful that our kid(s) attend SFACS. This special school not only supports my child’s educational needs but it is also a pillar of Hope for the entire SFACS family. Please join us in supporting the 11th Annual FSFA Walk and Safety Fair on April 22nd 2023.

Please join us in making our family’s team accomplish our goal by walking and/or donating because without our autism family I do not know where we would be right now, we would not be able to do what we do – help us make our team the best it can possibly be!

All the money fundraised on April 22nd will go towards building the three story state-of-the-art that will house: out of school services, therapies, mental health services, daycare, 22 and older program, a pool, a gym and so much more!

Your contribution to our Walk can go a long way, and it is tax-deductible. Make your donation below – Thank you for your continuous support!

Team Reno Leon

$100 of $10,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00


Leilani Diaz